Tasers, policemen, and deer, oh my!

It’s more than probable pjtrix reader Ken is going to blog about this one, but I’m calling it before he does. :-)

Officers use taser to free tangled deer

January 17, 2007

CANBY, Ore. –Confronted with a deer whose antlers were tangled in a rope swing at a rural home, two officers saw no good choices. They weren’t about to try to free the animal themselves. It weighed several hundred pounds and was thrashing wildly. A bullet in the skull seemed the alternative.

I’ll leave the rest of the story to your imaginations, or to your reading, whichever you prefer.

About dreadpiratepj

I have been goofing around with computers since May 1978, when I was about seven years old. For the past decade, I've even managed to have people pay me for this! Suckers! :-)
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