Dread Pirate PJ's House of Hacks and Tricks » personal.media http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg Sat, 23 Aug 2014 19:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.29 Obligatory WordPress upgrade post http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2008/02/06/obligatory-wordpress-upgrade-post/ http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2008/02/06/obligatory-wordpress-upgrade-post/#comments Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:34:34 +0000 http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2008/02/06/obligatory-wordpress-upgrade-post/ Continue reading ]]> Hiya, folks!

As is tradition in most blogging circles, I’m posting to let you know I’ve upgraded WordPress to the latest version. My buddy Ken already beat me to it, as always.

I upgraded the Bad Behavior plugin while I was at it. One of my pet theories regarding why I have fewer akismet spam caught than other sites, like Ken’s, is that Bad Behavior blocks most malicious spam bot-like behavior. That leaves akismet with less spam getting through and being caught.

I like my pet theories, they help me sleep at night. :-)

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