Dread Pirate PJ's House of Hacks and Tricks » web.cartoons http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg Sat, 23 Aug 2014 19:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.2.29 They Might Be Giants Podcast http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2006/02/28/they-might-be-giants-podcast/ http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2006/02/28/they-might-be-giants-podcast/#comments Wed, 01 Mar 2006 01:04:04 +0000 http://www.pjtrix.com/blawg/2006/02/28/they-might-be-giants-podcast/ Continue reading ]]> I just discovered today, that They Might Be Giants has a podcast! I’m way late in discovering this, as the first episode was from the summer of 2005. They have released three episodes so far. I don’t know how often they are putting them out, as only the first podcast is dated. There are unreleased recordings and assorted “stuff” in there. And they are really cool.

In other They Might Be Giants (TMBG) news, they are promoting a new DVD bundle of their Venue Songs. What is Venue Songs, you ask? On their site, they explain: “At each stop of their 2004 tour, TMBG wrote, arranged and performed a brand new song, dedicated to that evening’s venue. Hence the name, Venue Songs. Each song came together in one day, as a surprise for the audience.”

The Venue Songs DVD features original videos of the Venue Songs, and a weird story about a deranged millionaire that wants to lock up the Venue Songs forever. It makes for some silly watching, TMBG style!

TMBG are releasing the original Venue Songs videos, compressed for the web, on their website every week, one video for each “venue” in the album. There are also three bonus videos from the DVD on the site. They’re funny and goofy, just like the songs. I like them a lot!

The Venue Songs DVD also features a DVD-quality video of Homestarrunner’s “Experimental Film” Flash cartoon episode, for which TMBG wrote an original song. ( If you don’t know Homestarrunner, it’s the best Flash cartoon, ever! ) This video is not available on TMBG’s website, although you can see the original web-quality-sound Flash cartoon at the URL above.

Go check out They Might Be Giant’s podcast, and go check out Homestar Runner. They’re silly, zany, web-powered fun!

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