Comments on: What’s the deal with PS3 Linux? Simple: XNA Mon, 03 Aug 2009 17:52:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dread Pirate PJ's House of Hacks and Tricks Tue, 30 Jan 2007 18:13:15 +0000 Continuing the conversation: PS3 Linux & MS XNA…

Mateusz, Lenny, thanks for the comments.
Update: Reader Mateusz points out that there is an effort under way to port the XNA frameworks to other platforms using Mono. It’s great to see what the subversive, creative types come up with all on their…

By: Mateusz Kierepka Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:45:39 +0000 Maybe Mono.XNA is solution? 😉 Check this out:

By: elramirez Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:20:38 +0000 If these things get to the next level would be really sweet, don’t you think? I mean, not a lot of people can afford an eighty dollar price tag per game you know. They are basically rushing people in this direction and I think that if a couple of good devs jump into the scene it will really get somewhere. Check out Linux as an operating system, certainly Vista can’t match its features at this point, not to mention that its development has taken ages!

We are starting to see some good results and how this “power to the developer and communities” initiative is really enjoying acceptance in the game scene with the Halo PC version. Is the community who now releases good quality mappacks for everyone to enjoy and not to mention the support that Bungie has given them. Last but not least is the release of Halo 3 multiplayer beta… thats just…wow insane!! Like you said theres profit involved, certainly a LOT because itll be a 360 only release but certainly by giving this teaser and hearing the feedback of its fans, bungie will not just give what people really want, but make history :D.
